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All services are subject to a written contract or letter of agreement signed by both parties. This simple document lays out the following:
- The scope of the contracted service. This is usually in the form of a marketing plan attached to the letter or contract.
- The agreed time limit of that service.
- Confidentiality and copyright issues.
- Fee structure and timing.
- Whether any expenses are payable, ie travel.
- Whether any functions are to be carried out in-house by the publisher, ie bulk review mailings.
- If a success-fee element, timing of that together with an agreed format of the Sales Statement (typically, to include print run, sales made in an agreed period, returns within that period, quantity of frees, and stock).
- The procedure if either party wishes to terminate prior to completion.
If, on receiving the contract there are further points to be included, just let us know.
Copyright, Links and Privacy
Use of our services is based on acceptance of our Copyright, Links and Privacy policy.
Half on acceptance of terms; half on completion.
Expenses – £250 per book payable in advance. This covers the cost of two press release mailings, small run proof copy mailings and related material. Bulk finished copy mailings are not included.
If you have any queries about our terms and conditions, please email us at [email protected].